Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Grow your hair and stop the breakage!!

If you wish to have your hair grow like its on steroids keep reading.  If you suffer from breakage and want it to stop, keep reading.  If you are tired of having thin brittle hair, keep reading. If you are ready to have beautiful thick hair regardless of where you are starting from, keep reading.

I am just going to jump into it and avoid the sugar coating.  If you want to grow your hair out you must go at it from the inside as well as the outside.  There are so many factors as to why hair growth slows and why hair breaks.  There are things you can do to speed up the process and things you can do to stop the breakage, but first you must be educated as to why these things happen.  There are simple fixes that won't cost you an arm and a leg and that you can do on your own at home.  Just adding the tips into your regimen will increase the growth and within 12 weeks you will notice and you will also see a whole bunch of new hair growth.  This even works for males as well so if your man is thinning you better get him on a plan before his scalp is shiny.  Once that happens the follicle is sealed and you'll have to resort to transplants.

First, if your diet is poor your hair, skin and nails are going to be poor as well.  Its the same concept as a plant being watered with soda and other crap that kills, the leaves will turn brown and fall off.  Your hair does the same thing.  Even if you take vitamins if you have never done a cleanse or haven't done one within the last 6 months, those nutrients are only being absorbed @ 25% maybe.  You see we live in a world where all humans are walking around with parasites inside of them.  Yep thats right you too. You are a host.  Parasites are in EVERYTHING!  Bottled water, all processed foods, meat, dairy, etc.  Mostly all of what you eat has parasites.  These little buggers attach themselves to the internal lining of your intestines and multiply like rabbits.  They make it impossible for your body to absorb any nutrients leaving you nutrient deficient even if you are taking vitamins.  The only way to combat them or keep their numbers low is to do a cleanse and consume probiotics daily.  I am not talking about the "probiotics" that are in your yogurt either.  That is the biggest gimmick ever (another blog all together). I mean a supplement.  Probiotics are found in raw fruits and vegetables naturally if they haven't been killed by processing.  I said RAW, not cooked.  We all cook our food and along with the cooking of our food we cook out all of the beneficial organisms as well.  So unless you are consuming pounds of raw fruits and veggies everyday you should probably be supplementing.  So step 1, do a cleanse.  Step 2 take probiotics daily.   This way whatever vitamins you are taking will have an effect.  Make sure you are consuming vitamins from whole foods ingredients. No not the grocery store, although you could probably find some quality supplements there.  I mean organic whole food extracts.  You see most vitamins contain synthetic properties and believe it or not your  body knows when you are trying to trick it.  It will just flush out any foreign substance so you are wasting your money if you are not taking vitamins from whole foods extracts.  Garden of life has the most amazing vitamins and they are a really great company full of integrity.  Now that that has been established, you must get BioSil.  BioSil is derived from algae and will increase your hair growth by more than double.  My clients that follow the above regimen get on average 1.5 to 2" of hair growth per month.  Not to mention their hair is thicker and healthier also their nails and eyelashes grow rapidly as well.

Now lets get to the external.  I find it amazing that most people still do not know they must be purifying their hair at the very minimum, once per month.  I'm not sure why other stylists are not educating clients on how to take care of their hair.  It use to make me upset, now I think, well, better for me.  In our water we have what's called "hard water", which means there are minerals and impurities in it.  You know how you get that ring around your sink?  Well that is what that is.  When you wash your hair these mineral deposits build up on your hair shaft causing coating.  This is why blondes will turn brassy.  These molecules require the same elements for life as we do.  They leech moisture from your hair causing it to dry out.  Not to mention that all conditioners on the planet contain silicones, which is fine if you purify, the only thing is most people do not.   What happens is these molecules also coat your hair shaft making it impossible for any moisture to get in and do any repair or moisture work.  So in a sense you are just rinsing your conditioner down the drain because it is coating and coating on top of hard water deposits and silicones.  This is whey your hair gets dry and breaks off.  Also coloring will strip the internal framework of your hair out and unless you are doing keratin treatments in the salon every 8 weeks you have no internal structure so your hair will continue to break.  When you purify you remove all of the build up and give your hair a clean slate.  This is when you would want to deep condition or put on some kind of treatment.  Coconut oil is the best however it is not really feasible to run around with oil all over your hair, and if you have extensions you have to be careful to not get it on the bonds.  Rinse your hair with COLD WATER!  This will seal the cuticle and trap your conditioner in your hair shaft.  Also, know that too much keratin will cause dryness and breakage as well, so it is best to go to a professional who knows what they are doing and is very well educated in the realm of hair repair.  It is also important to use a purifying shampoo that is not too harsh.  Color proof Detox is the only one so far that I have found that is gentle yet effective and doesn't contain cancer causing ingredients.  A good deep conditioner is coconut oil and avocado oil if you can get it.  If not Coppola Keratin (keratin complex) has some good keratin conditioners.  Do not use their shampoos though they contain harmful ingredients for women.

1) Do a cleanse (garden of life)
2) Take probiotics, vitamins, and BioSil
3) Purify your hair monthly, massage your scalp to increase circulation and unclog pores
4) Deep condition on the days you purify
5) Use a daily oil (Colorproof has an amazing oil along with a product called plush locks, phenomenal        combo)

Easy!  New hair in less than a month!

So with all of this said I wish you the best of luck in your hair care world.  Beauty really is attainable with a little bit of education!

Much love!  If any of you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me!  (619) 888-4362

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